Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Barcelona Travel Photography

 Sagrada Familia

 Park Guell

 Park Guell

Semester Two: Resistance

 At the end of my first semester of university, I went on a city break to Barcelona. This city is clearly one of architectural beauty, everything here is art. But one of the things that really struck me there was the political resistance throughout the city. Whether this was graffiti on a wall about capitalism, announcements of debates, or the symbol of anarchy scratched onto the door of a toilet in the basement of a restaurant, the city is full of politics. 

This idea of resistance is really interesting to me, and to my current work- both politically and physically. I may be an activist at heart, I might have set out on an art degree with the plan to change the world. I get excited whens someone gives me a leaflet about a march that's happening, and I share petitions across my social media accounts. 

I've started making small sculptures, about the size of my hand, inspired by political protests and the idea of resistance. But I want to see how much these can resist- what if I hit them with a hammer, will they still hold together? 

Can I mix the plaster with wire wool? Will it still stay on the wooden structures?

I'm playing around with these shapes, materials, ideas.