Saturday, 13 September 2014

Love Comes First

Recently, my hometown of Rotherham has been on the local and national news. It's surrounded by negativitiy and the far right English Defence League have been protesting and camping outside the police station, exploiting a serious issue so it fits in with their warped political ideology based on racisim.  This divisive group, who are wasting vital money and police time,  however, have not been ignored by the local people. 

Tonight, just hours after an EDL protest, local artists, charities, shop owners, musicians etc. gathered in the imperial buildings for a night to show the good side of the town. 

The Button Tin, Imperial Buildings, Rotherham

'Love Comes First' wasn't about politics, it was about humans being nice to each other- standing together as one in the face of crimes that are threatening to break our town. In a time such as this we should all stand as one, and not allow ourselves to be divided. Instead we need to focus on the real issue, justice for the victims rather than turning this into an issue of race. The EDL are making people who are part of our community feel unsafe in their own town - this needs to change so we can move forwards from this. 

Love Comes First buttons, sold to raise money for the event

We want to celebrate what's beautiful about Rotherham, our home town- focussing on the positive and the community. And a night like this shows the beauty perfectly! 

Thank you to everyone that arranged the event - Gemma Nemer & Brian Johnston, and please everyone just be happy and nice! 

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